Shuktara's Paintings

The process

Shuktara paints from the observation of her surroundings where the subject is usually very simple.
She only takes pictures of things that inspire her. Recurring elements are mainly nature and architecture.

Michelangelo said : “A man paints with his brains and not with his hands”.
This statement has a big influence on her.

The thought process is very important to her in advance. Preliminary studies and compositions done in Photoshop. The photo becomes a part of her painting process.


The images and studies of photographs are obviously influenced by her own strong feelings which are loaded with a dark side: a weight that she always carries with her.

It is very difficult to express that in words, the unspeakable is maybe painted or kept at the background.

Paintings work as a healing process for her and therefore very essential.

The mix between light and dark, the heaviness and the beauty of life, together with the influence of her poetries make her works special.